dark cyan
Color Palette #4042
blue-gray, color green, color of grass, color selection for the designer, cyan, dark cyan, dark green, gray-purple, green, grey, light green, light lime green, olive, selection of pastel colors, shades of green, shades of lime green, swampy.
Color Palette #4003
"dusty" blue, azure, bilberry, black, blue-gray, bright blue, bright cyan, color matching, cool shades of blue, dark cyan, heavenly, light blue, monochrome blue color palette, monochrome color palette, pastel cyan, shades of blue, silver blue.
Color Palette #3983
bedroom color schemes, blue and cyan, brick-pink color, color of the sunset sky, colour combination for bedroom, cyan and blue, dark cyan, dawn color, dawn colors in the mountains, dull blue, dull cyan, gray-blue, greenish-blue, red-pink color, sunset colors, sunset colors on the lake.
Color Palette #3978
blue-violet color, bright wine, burgundy, color of fig, color of figs, color of the wine, dark burgundy, dark cyan, dark red, gray, gray and pink, midnight blue, pink, shades of burgundy, shades of pink, tender fuchsia color, wine color.
Ambient music palette #3901
*music palette, almost black color, ambient music palette, bright cyan color, bright orange, color "Nevi", color of orange, dark cyan, dirty white color, gray-cyan, gray-pink shades, greenish-blue color, midnight blue, shades of blue, warm orange.
Color Palette #3961
aquamarine color, bright blue, bright orange, brown, coffee color, color combination for home, cyan and orange, dark cyan, saturated dark orange, sea water color, shades of orange.
Focus music palette #711
*music palette, almost black, color of mist, color of teal, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Color Palette #3956
"dusty" brown, "dusty" cyan, bedroom color schemes, blue-purple, blueberry berry color, blueberry color, burgundy and light gray, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for living room, dark cyan, denim, gray, gray and chocolate, gray and cyan, interior palette, living room colour schemes, pale denim color, shades gray, silver, warm brown.