Focus music palette #711
*music palette, almost black, color of mist, color of teal, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Inspiration music palette #3848
*music palette, almost black, color of mist, color of teal, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Color Palette #3848
almost black, bedroom color schemes, color of mist, color of teal, colour combination for bedroom, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.