color of teal
Focus music palette #711
*music palette, almost black, color of mist, color of teal, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Inspiration music palette #3848
*music palette, almost black, color of mist, color of teal, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Color Palette #3848
almost black, bedroom color schemes, color of mist, color of teal, colour combination for bedroom, cyan-green, dark blue-green color, dark cyan, dull shades of blue, gray beige, gray-brown, gray-coffee, gray-cyan, gray-greenish color, midnight blue, selection of colors for decoration, shades of cyan, shades of cyan color.
Color Palette #3792
aqua shades, black color sea waves, color combination for house, color of sea sand, color of sea water, color of teal, color of teal and yellow, color of wet sand, colour scheme for house, gray-brown, orange-yellow, shades of teal, tender cocoa color, tender gray, warm beige.
Color Palette #3680
black and gray, color of a night sky, color of a stormy sky, color of teal, cream-brown, cyan-black, dark gray, midnight blue, shades of gray, shades of night color, shades of the night, steel, warm beige, yellow and midnight blue.
Color Palette #3652
aquamarine color, beige, black, coffee color, color of ice, color of teal, color of winter sea water, dark gray, dirty-brown, light gray, palette for winter, shades of gray, silver, turquoise-blue color, winter shades.
Color Palette #2978
azure color, blue color, blue-green color, brown color, color of mountain lake, color of sand, color of teal, color of water, cornflower color, dark green color, emerald color, muted blue color, pale blue color, sandy color, swamp color.
Color Palette #2196
burgundy-pink, color of cherry ice cream, color of ice cream, color of mint, color of teal, dark blue-green, dark lilac, lavender, light blue, shades of blue, shades of lilac, shades of pink.