Color Palette #4320
beige, blue color, color selection, color selection for autumn, cyan, dirty white, gray-blue, gray-cyan, heavenly color, jeans color, navy blue, pale denim color, pumpkin color, shades of autumn, shades of brown, sky color, warm brown.
Color Palette #4307
brown, chocolate color, color of the sea, cyan, cyan and brown, dark chocolate color, gray-cyan, heavenly, heavenly and cyan, marine palette, navy blue, sand color, saturated blue, shades of blue.
Color Palette #4052
beige, bright blue, brown, color selection, color solution for home, cool shades, cornflower, cornflower color, cyan, gray-blue, gray-cyan, light blue, pale beige, pale blue, pale cyan.
Color Palette #4042
blue-gray, color green, color of grass, color selection for the designer, cyan, dark cyan, dark green, gray-purple, green, grey, light green, light lime green, olive, selection of pastel colors, shades of green, shades of lime green, swampy.