soft pastel colours
Color Palette #1860
bedroom color schemes, blue and pink, blue and yellow, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for living room, dark yellow, gentle shades, light yellow, lilac, lilac and pink, lilac and yellow, living room colour schemes, pastel colours, pink and blue, pink and lilac, pink and yellow, shades of pink, shades of yellow, soft pastel colours, yellow and blue, yellow and lilac, yellow and pink.
Color Palette #1184
"baby blue" color, blue and pink, brown and blue, colours for a party for lovers, colours for a Valentine's Day, colours for a Valentine's Day party, palette of romantic colours, pink and blue, pink and brown, shades of brown, soft pastel colours, soft pink.
Color Palette #974
bedroom color schemes, carrot, colour combination, colour combination for bedroom, colour matching, colour solution for a bedroom, coral, coral red, faded orange colour, light-marsh colour, linen, orange and green, poisonous green, soft pastel colours, soft shades.