soft shades

Color Palette #2355
color combination for decor interior, color combination for house, color matching, color matching for renovation, color solution for rooms design, colors for bedroom, colour scheme for house, khaki color, pastel pink, pastel shades of pink, pink, pink and white, pink shades, rose color, soft shades.

Color Palette #974
bedroom color schemes, carrot, colour combination, colour combination for bedroom, colour matching, colour solution for a bedroom, coral, coral red, faded orange colour, light-marsh colour, linen, orange and green, poisonous green, soft pastel colours, soft shades.

Color Palette #628
bright blue, bright light green, bright violet, burgundy, color of lavender, color of violets, color of wine, colour combination for living room, dirty white color, light and dark shades, light green, light silver color, living room colour schemes, selection of paints for repair, selection of palette for a flat, soft shades, wine color.