
Color Palette #4010
bright pink, brown, color matching, color of gold, color of whiskey, copper color, eggplant, eggplant color, gray-brown, grey, light brown, magenta color, maroon-brown, nougat color, purple-pink, saturated gray, shades of pink.

Color Palette #3156
black color, bright red color, bright yellow color, canary yellow color, color selection, cookie color, gold color, light brown, maroon-brown, red apple color, red apples color, shades of brown, shades of red, whiskey color.

Color Palette #2503
brown and gray, brown and gray-brown, coffee color, color selection, dark-cherry color, delicate beige, gray beige, gray-brown, interior design palette, maroon-brown, monochrome beige palette, monochrome brown palette, palette for designers, palette of interior colors, pastel shades of brown, shades of beige, shades of brown.