mandarin color

Color Palette #3863
bright yellow, canary yellow, color of apricot, color of citrus, color of grapefruit, color of mint leaves, international orange, lime green, mandarin color, pomegranate, red-orange, saturated green, the color of sicilian orange.
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Color Palette #3788
canary yellow, color of an orange, color of apricot, color of citrus, color of grapefruit, color of mint leaves, color of sicilian orange, international orange, mandarin color, pomegranate, red-orange, saturated green, warm yellow.
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Color Palette #3612
bright yellow, canary yellow color, color of apricot, color of citrus, color of grapefruit, color of mint leaves, color of sicilian orange, international orange, mandarin color, pomegranate, red-orange, saturated green.
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