colors in the “Shabby chic” style
Color Palette #1343
beige and pink, brown and pink, color combination for house, color of greenery, color of tea roses, color selection for design, colors in the "Shabby chic" style, colour scheme for house, delicate shades of pink, gray-brown, green and peach, green and pink, peach and green, peach and pink, pink and color of greenery, shades of pink, style palette for Shabby Chic, vintage color, vintage colors.
Color Palette #827
"dusty" green, "dusty" lilac, "dusty" orange, "dusty" pink, "dusty" shades, "dusty" yellow, color combination for home, color combination for house, color combination for retro party, color combination for wedding, color palette for wedding, color solution, colors in the "Shabby chic" style, colour scheme for house, contrasting combination of pastel shades, gray and green.