color of palm leaves

Color Palette #2663
bedroom color schemes, bright lime, color matching for designer, color of palm leaves, color solution for living room decor, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for living room, dark green color, green shades, light green color, light-lime color, lime color, lime shades, living room colour schemes, palm color.

Color Palette #1959
blue and color of lime, blue and green, blue and light green, color of lime and blue, color of mint, color of mojito, color of palm leaves, color of palm trees, combination of colors for summer, green and blue, green and light green, light green and blue, light green and color of lime, light-green and green, palette for summer, shades of blue, shades of color of lime, summer color combination.

Color Palette #296
bright-blue color, color combination for house, color matching, color of palm, color of palm leaves, color of the sky, color palettes for decor, colour scheme for house, dark green, dark olive, decor colors, gray-blue, green and blue, palettes for a designer, shades of blue, shades of green.