cold shades for repair

Color Palette #1867
blue and brown, blue and dark blue, blue and gray, blue and green, blue and light blue, cold shades for repair, color of young greenery, dark blue and color of cream, dark blue and green, dark blue and turquoise, gentle shades of green, green and blue, green and dark blue, green and gray, light green, light green and turquoise, shades of blue, shades of cool color, shades of dark blue, shades of dark blue-green, shades of sea wave, teal, turquoise and cream color, turquoise and dark blue-blue, turquoise and light green.

Color Palette #1789
blue and brown, blue and dark blue, blue and gray, blue and green, blue and light blue, cold shades for repair, colour of young greenery, dark blue and green, dark blue-blue and colour of cream, dark blue-blue and turquoise, gentle shades of green, green and blue, green and dark blue, green and gray, greenish-blue, light green, light green and turquoise, shades of cool colours, shades of cyan, shades of dark blue, shades of dark blue-green, shades of sea wave, teal, turquoise and cream colour, turquoise and dark blue-blue, turquoise and light green.