shades of colors for a wedding

Color Palette #3511
bedroom color schemes, blue and yellow, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for wall painting, colour combination for walls, gentle blue, gentle colors for a wedding, gentle shades for a wedding, gentle yellow, greenish-yellow color, pale blue, shades of blue, shades of colors for a wedding, yellow and blue, yellow and cyan, yellow-blue colour.

Color Palette #1948
blue and yellow, color combination for house, color of honey, color solution, colour combination for living room, colour scheme for house, combination of blue and yellow, gentle color solution, gentle colors for a wedding, gentle shades for a wedding, gentle yellow, living room colour schemes, pale blue, pale colors, palette for summer, pastel blue, pastel lemon, pastel yellow, rich colors, selection of colors, shades of blue, shades of colors for a wedding, yellow and blue, yellow and dark blue, yellow-blue.