scarlet and green
Color Palette #3429
almost black, beige, brown, dark brown, gray, gray-brown, hides skin color, light brown, pastel yellow, scarlet and green, shades of brown, yellow colour.
Color Palette #1805
colour for a New Year party, colour of gold, colour of spruce, colours of a New Year, dark red and green, dark red and scarlet, emerald green, green and red, green and scarlet, New Year colour palette, New Year colours, New Year palette, palette for a New Year, red and emerald green, red and gray, red and green, scarlet and green, shades of gold, shades of red.
Color Palette #1477
burgundy and green, burgundy and scarlet, color of poppies, green and red, green and turquoise, green and yellow, pale burgundy, red and green, red and yellow, scarlet and green, scarlet and red, scarlet and yellow, shades of poppies, shades of red, yellow and green, yellow and red, yellow and scarlet.