
Color Palette #4049
beige and blue, beige and brown, beige and cyan, blue and cyan, brown and beige, brown and blue, color of dawn, orange-beige, palette for repair, saturated blue, shades of blue.

Color Palette #3980
beige, blue with a shade of gray, cognac color, color of olive soap, colour combination for living room, dirty blue color, gray with a shade of blue, gray with a shade of cyan, gray-violet, living room colour schemes, olive color, orange-beige, shades of brown, shades of gray-blue, warm brown.

Color Palette #3634
bedroom color schemes, beige-peach color, color matching, color of mint, color of strawberry ice cream, color of warm wood, color solution for home, colour combination for bedroom, dark green, delicate peach, graphite gray, gray, gray with a shade of pink, ice cream color, mint color, orange-beige, pink, pink-gray.

Color Palette #1286
brown, carrot, colour of macaroon, colour of vanilla macaroon, colour of wet asphalt, colour of wood, colour solution for weddings and wedding decor, creamy-orange, dark gray, graphite gray, olive, olive-light green, orange-beige, orange-peach, palette for a wedding decor, peach, selection of colours for a wedding, warm olive.

Color Palette #1082
*Korolevishna, beige, blue and brown, bright blue, colour matching, colour of a camels skin, colour of milk chocolate, colour of ocher, light blue, milky-beige colour, orange-beige, shades of brown, shades of brown and blue, sky blue, soft beige.