Color Palette #2340
baby blue, cinnamon color, color combination for home, color palettes for decor, color solution for autumn 2015, colors for decor, colour combination for living room, hot yellow, light blue and brown, living room colour schemes, ochre, warm and cold shades, warm brown shades, wood color.
Color Palette #2330
bedroom color schemes, beige and grey, brown-yellow, colour combination for bedroom, dark yellow, golden and grey, golden and yellow, hot yellow, light yellow, lime yellow, mustard yellow, ochre, saffron and yellow, saffron yellow, shades of gold, shades of white gold, shades of yellow, yellow and golden, yellow and grey.
Color Palette #505
beige, beige and brown, color of clay, color of U.S. canyon, dark brown, desert colors, light brown, monochrome color palette, monochrome palette of brown, ochre, shades of brown, warm and cold shades of brown.
Color Palette #391
color of beach, color selection, colour combination for living room, dark blue emerald, honey color, light blue, living room colour schemes, ochre, orange-brown color, pastel shades, sand color, sea green, violet-blue.