“light” colors for winter
Color Palette #4383
cold tones, dirty white, dull blue, dull cyan, greenery color, grey blue, rich light green, shades of dark blue, shades of green, shades of teal color, teal color, young foliage color, young greenery color, “light” colors for winter.
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Color Palette #4213
cold tones, dull blue, dull cyan, gray color, gray-blue, greenery color, jade color, light green, saturated light green, shades of dark blue, shades of teal color, steel color, teal color, young foliage color, young greenery color, “light” colors for winter.
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Color Palette #4110
blue-gray, cold tones, dirty white, dull blue, dull cyan, greenery color, saturated light green, shades of dark blue, shades of teal, teal color, young foliage color, young greens color, “light” colors for winter.
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