crimson-red color

Color Palette #3102
burgundy and red colors, color of berries, contrast, contrasting color combination, crimson-red color, dark green and burgundy color, dark green color, dark grey color, gray color, green color, maroon color, red and green colors, scarlet color, shades of gray.

Color Palette #2983
bright red color, bright yellow color, color matching for interior, crimson-red color, dark green color, eggplant color, olive color, orange color, purple color, red color, warm orange color, yellow color.

Color Palette #652
banana yellow, color matching, cream, crimson and pink, crimson color, crimson-red color, dirty white, gingery-brown, pale pink, pink and yellow, rich crimson color, shades of pink, warm shades of brown, yellow and pink.

Color Palette #438
aubergine color, blue and green, bright blue, color of green leaves, color of red ranunculus, crimson-red color, dark purple, green, light blue, pastel blue, shades of blue.