colour of water
Color Palette #1432
blue and yellow, blue-dark blue colour, colour of lemon, colour of water, colours of summer, combination of blue and yellow, dark blue and blue, delicate blue, delicate colours for a wedding, greenish-yellow colour, pale blue, pale yellow, palette for summer, shades of blue, shades of colours for a wedding, soft shades for a wedding, yellow and blue, yellow and dark blue, yellow-blue colour.
Color Palette #1238
"navy” color, blue and dark blue, bright yellow, colour of lemon, colour of water, colours of water, dark blue and yellow, dark-blue, gray and dark blue, gray and yellow, lemon yellow, off-white, pale gray, palettes of designer, selection of colour, shades of dark blue colour, white and dark blue, yellow and dark blue.
Color Palette #1140
almost black color, bedroom color schemes, beige and dark blue, beige and white, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for wall painting, colour combination for walls, colour of snow, colour of water, dark blue and white, dark blue colour, midnight dark blue, shades of beige, shades of beige and yellow colour, shades of dark blue, very dark blue colour, warm and cool hues, warm shades of beige, white and beige, white and dark blue.