colour of the rising sun
Color Palette #994
bright blue, bright pink, bright violet, colour matching, colour of sand, colour of sand on Maldives, colour of sea water, colour of the rising sun, colour of the sea, colour of water in the ocean, colour of water on Maldives, colours of dawn on the sea, light shades of bright colours, turquoise.
Color Palette #936
aubergine colour, blue and yellow, colour of aubergine, colour of sunset, colour of sunset over the sea, colour of the rising sun, colour of the sea at sunset, orange and yellow, pink and violet, rich blue, rich violet colour, warm and cool shades.
Color Palette #806
colour of mist over a lake, colour of morning mist, colour of the rising sun, colour of the sunrise, colours of fog, colours of morning, pale dark blue colour, pastel shades of dark blue, peach colour, shades of gray-dark blue colour, shades of peach colour, shades of pink, warm shades of pink.