color of sugar candies

Color Palette #3966
beige, bright reddish, bright yellow, brown, brown-reddish, color of candies, color of sugar candies, color of sugar candy, color of the hazelnuts, color of the red skin, colored solution for the New Year, honey color, ocher color.

Color Palette #2833
bright pink color, burgundy color, color combination, color matching, color of sugar candies, color palette, dark-red color, lavender color, light pink color, pink shades, purple color, purple shades, red color, white color.

Color Palette #2772
bright pink color, color combination, color matching, color of sugar candies, color palette, dark-red color, light pink color, lilac color, lilac shades, maroon color, pale lilac color, pink shades, red color, white color.

Color Palette #1315
blue and orange, blue and red, blue and yellow, bright orange, bright red, bright yellow, color of lollypops, color of sugar candies, designer palette, designer palettes, orange and red, red and green, red and orange, red and yellow, yellow and red.

Color Palette #1049
beige, bright red, bright yellow, brown, brown red, color of hazelnuts, color of lollypops, color of ochre, color of orange leather, color of sugar candies, color of sugar lollypops, color solution for the New Year, honey color, Nina Panina.