color of strawberry berries

Color Palette #3037
beige color, bright scarlet color, brown color, chocolate color, color of strawberries, color of strawberry berries, color of wine, colors of strawberries, dirty green color, gray color, green and red colors, green color, light green and beige colors, light green color, orange and red colors, pastel pink color, pink color, red and green colors, red and orange colors, red color, scarlet color, shades of beige, shades of red, swamp color, swamp-brown color.

Color Palette #3036
beige color, bright scarlet color, brown color, chocolate color, color of strawberries, color of strawberry berries, color of wine, colors of strawberries, dirty green color, gray color, green and red colors, green color, light green and beige colors, light green color, orange and red colors, pastel pink color, pink color, red and green colors, red and orange colors, red color, scarlet color, shades of beige, shades of red, swamp color, swamp-brown color.