color of red pepper

Color Palette #905
bright green, bright red, bright yellow, color combination for interior decoration, color of jeans, color of red pepper, color solution for interior decoration, gray-blue, gray-brown, lemon yellow, lime color, mustard color, yellow green.

Color Palette #508
black and gray, bright green, bright red, color of basil, color of chili pepper, color of green spices, color of greenery, color of red pepper, dark gray, dark gray and red, gray, gray and green, green and red.

Color Palette #474
beige, brown and green, color matching, color of black pepper, color of red pepper, color of spices, color of white pepper, dark brown, light brown, light green color, shades of brown.

Color Palette #18
color combination, color of beige wood, color of chilli pepper, color of green pepper, color of hot pepper, color of red pepper, color of sand, green, red and brown, red and green, sand color, shades of brown, warm palette.