color of raspberries
Color Palette #2014
"dusty" shades of colors, burgundy, burgundy and turquoise, color of raspberries, color of raspberry, color of Tiffany, light turquoise, light turquoisecolor, magenta and turquoise, magenta shades, shades of magenta, turquoise, turquoise and burgundy.
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Color Palette #1547
bedroom color schemes, burgundy, burgundy and crimson, burgundy and red, burgundy and scarlet, color of raspberries, color selection, color solution, colour combination for bedroom, colour combination for living room, crimson, crimson and burgundy, crimson and scarlet, dark red, living room colour schemes, monochrome color palette, monochrome red color palette, raspberry color, red and burgundy, scarlet, scarlet and burgundy, scarlet and crimson, shades of red, wine color.
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