blue-gray shades
Color Palette #2775
black and blue colors, black and brown colors, blue-gray shades, brown and black colors, brown shades, contrast combination of warm and cold tones, granite color, gray color, gray-blue shades, gray-brown shades, orange and brown shades, palettes for designers.
Color Palette #1367
beige and deep blue, beige and gold, blue-gray shades, color combination for redecoration, dark deep blue, deep blue, deep blue and gold, deep blue color, design palettes, gold color, pastel shades of deep blue, selection of color solution, shades of beige, shades of deep blue, shades of gold, shades of gray-blue.
Color Palette #1273
"dusty" yellow, almost black color, blue-gray, blue-gray shades, blue-green, blue-lilac color, dark gray, dull yellow, green-gray, greenish-gray, greenish-gray color, pale yellow, shades of blue and gray, teal color, warm shades of gray.