Color Palette #11
blue-gray, brown and blue, brown and dark blue-blue, color of brown suitcase, color of red skin, color of rust, color of wet sand, color solution, gray dark blue, pastel dark blue and pastel blue, red-brown, selection of color, shades of brown, terracotta.
Color Palette #10
color combinations, contrasting colors, gentle blue, gentle colors, gentle light green, gentle orange, gentle pink, gentle violet, pastel shades, pink, shades of orange.
Color Palette #9
bluish-lilac, color of greens, color of violets, dark blue-lilac, dark blue-violet, light green and pink shades, light green and violet color, pastel tones, pink shades, warm shades.
Color Palette #8
bright shades of yellow and orange, contrasting combination of colors, contrasting shades, dark blue and yellow, honey color, orange and dark blue, red and yellow, violet and yellow.
Color Palette #7
beige, beige and blue, blue and sand, coffee, color of sand, color solution, cream, rich colors, sand color, selection of color, shades of beige, shades of blue, sky blue.
Color Palette #6
blue and orange, bright colors, color of bottles, color of glass, color of glass bottles, color of old bottles, color solution, green and blue, pastel, pastel shades, pastel tones, selection of color.
Color Palette #5
blue and light green, blue and pink, color solution, green, light green, light green color, pale pink, pastel colors, pastel tones, pink, pink and light green, shades of pink.
Color Palette #4
color combinations, color of fuchsia, color of sky, color solution, pastel tones, pastels shades, pink and blue, selection of color, shades of blue, sky blue.