Color Palette #5
blue and light green, blue and pink, color solution, green, light green, light green color, pale pink, pastel colors, pastel tones, pink, pink and light green, shades of pink.
Color Palette #4
color combinations, color of fuchsia, color of sky, color solution, pastel tones, pastels shades, pink and blue, selection of color, shades of blue, sky blue.
Color Palette #3
brown, celadon, color of autumn leaves, color of grass, color of greenery, color of sea wave, color solution, rich colors, shades of blue, shades of brown, shades of dark blue and brown.
Color Palette #2
beige, beige and pink, brown, color of roses, gentle pink, gentle yellow, pastel shades, pastel tones, shades of beige, warm scheme, warm shades, yellow and pink.
Color Palette #1
blue and pink, color solution, contrasting blue and pink, contrasting colors, contrasting combination, pink, pink and light blue, selection of color, shades of blue.