Color Palette #19
blue and pink, bright blue, bright pink, color of roses, contrasting combination, green and pink, pastel shades of blue and pink, pink, pink and blue, shades of pink, shades of pink and blue.
Color Palette #18
color combination, color of beige wood, color of chilli pepper, color of green pepper, color of hot pepper, color of red pepper, color of sand, green, red and brown, red and green, sand color, shades of brown, warm palette.
Color Palette #17
chocolate color, color of berries, color of biscuits, color of chocolate biscuits, color of cranberries, color of milk chocolate, color of shortbread, color solution, red and chocolate, sand, selection of color.
Color Palette #16
bright red color, carrot-red, color solution, coral, gray, gray and orange, orange and red, red and orange, selection of color, soft coral, warm shades.
Color Palette #15
bright blue, brown, brown and blue, chocolate and blue, color of chocolate, color of menthol, color of mint, menthol, menthol and color of chocolate, sky blue.
Color Palette #14
black, color of bleached table, color of eggplant, color of fig, color of fig flesh, color of red flesh, color of ripe flesh, cool shades, dark-violet, eggplant, eggplant color, gray-blue, red flesh, selection of color.
Color Palette #13
berry shades, blackberry blue, blackberry color, blueberry color, brown and dark blue, color of berries, color of blackberry, color of blueberries, color of brown, dark blue and brown, rich brown, shades of brown.
Color Palette #12
color of fresh greenery, color of lavender, color of young greenery, dark blue and violet, gentle lavender, lavender and light green, light green, lilac, pastel lavender, shades of violet, violet and light green.