Color Palette #27
beige-gray, blue-gray, color of pearl, color solution, gray color palette, gray-brown, monochrome color palette, monochrome gray color palette, pearl, pearl color, selection color, shades of gray, silver.
![yellow and green](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/cvetovaya-palitra-26.jpg)
Color Palette #26
color of grass, color of greenery, color of marsh, color of water lilies, color solution, cream yellow, grass color, green, marsh, selection of color, shades of green, yellow and green.
![shades of violet](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/cvetovaya-palitra-25.jpg)
Color Palette #25
color of fuchsia, color of fuchsia and eggplant, color of lilac, contrasting colors, dark blue-violet, eggplant, magenta, selection of color, shades of violet, violet and magenta, yellow and magenta.
![sunny golden](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/color-palette-24.jpg)
Color Palette #24
beige, blue color, color of gold, color of ice, color of sunset, color of water, cream color, golden, pastel blue, pastel violet, shades of blue, sunny golden, yellow color.
![turquoise and blue](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/color-palette-23.jpg)
Color Palette #23
blue and orange, color of turquoise, color of water, color of water in lake, color solution, green, orange and turquoise, selection of color, shades of turquoise and orange, sky blue, turquoise, turquoise and blue.
![color of marsh water](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/color-palette-22.jpg)
Color Palette #22
color of greenery, color of lilies greenery, color of lily, color of lotus, color of lotus flowers, color of marsh, color of marsh greenery, color of marsh water, gray, gray and green, pink and green, shades of green.
![color of flamingo feathers](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/color-palette-21.jpg)
Color Palette #21
brown and coral, color of flamingo feathers, color of marsh, color of mud, coral, coral and pink, gray and gray-brown, gray and white, pink, pink and brown, shades of coral, shades of pink.
![blue and lilac](https://colorpalettes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/color-palette-20.jpg)
Color Palette #20
beige and blue, blue and lilac, color of gold, color solution, contrasting combination, magenta, mustard yellow and beige, mustard yellow color, pink and blue, pink-lilac, white and golden.